Monday, July 6, 2009

Mission complete...

2day gt 1 class ony so after skul go chee keong house continue d accounting assignment..v start doing at 4 pm ....many thing v have 2 do coz v have 2 settle it by 2day...while sue meng n chee keong doing it ,i take some time 2 do my bms(business mathematic and statistic) correction.n 2day i gt my bms result.i so dissapointed with it coz its all my careless mistake.haiz..................V complete our assignment at 8.30 pm.its so tired but i learn alot while do tis assignment.2day take many hours to do tis n plus sunday.v use alot of time on tis assignment.V all do wit full cooperate n spirit .v wish gt high marks in it..sue meng help us alot coz he ony our group member have take account he contribute alot in tis assignment.v juz learn n help little bit.its a gud experience do assignment n learning 2gether...

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