Thursday, July 14, 2011


2day nth special...boring juz wan write my feelings......ytd play badminton 4 whole day....1st session play wit classmate then 2nd session play wit uncle.....i dono hw express my was really hurt coz of i smash 9999 2 release my was irritating......y i play so cha????........i really hate myself very advice from my best frenzzz ,all say me stupid n think nonsense......its i do wrong??????i really try very hard 2 forget it.............."belum try belum tau......tis phrase they give dont give up without doing anything..u will regret 4 whole life.........if continue like tis ,all will d same,n still gt XXXXXXX in my mind.........after all advice i sleep well n din think nonsense.....2day go work then c ppl 21 years old pass feelings is so sad, i advice u all gt anything pls do it n do watever u wan..if nt u will regret nw is unpredictable.....if 1 ppl wan go then it will go..u cant stop it...........i saw many sad thing 2day....pity of their i will continue do wat i wish......gambateh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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